Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Part 3: Minor Arcana - Cups

Major Arcana on Instagram (Sabah Tarotist)

Ace of Cups
The start of a situation that will be happy and satisfying.
It often refers to the beginning of a love affair, enjoyable phase in an existing relationship or the start of a creative venture.
It can also indicate a wonderful opportunity is on the way.

Reversed Meaning
Miss a valuable opportunity.

Two of Cups
A contract will soon be agreed.
Could be a marriage contract, a business agreement or anything else that succeeds through co-operation.

Reversed Meaning
Not the ideal partnership. The natural flow of cooperation is not present.

Three of Cups
This is the card of celebration.
It can describe a forthcoming party or other enjoyable social event.
It can also indicate the relief that follows the resolution of a problem or the end of an illness.

Reversed Meaning
Warning you to circumspect in the company you keep. Trust your feelings and pull back from socialising or joining new groups.

Four of Cups
You become so focused on one area of your life that you cannot see the bigger picture.

Reversed Meaning
The feeling you are experiencing is dissipating rapidly.
Take a new direction.

Five of Cups
This is a difficult card. You can only think about what you have lost.
Perhaps grief, loss and regret.

Reversed Meaning
Hope and happiness return.

Six of Cups
Receive gifts and advice.
Warm, safe, surrounded by love.

Reversed Meaning
Be wary of people and situations, which seem innocent.

Seven of Cups
All that glisters is not gold. You are about to be offered several opportunities but not all of them will deliver what they promise. Choose your options carefully and look beyond their immediate attractions. You may have to use your intuition when choosing the best course of action.

Reversed Meaning
You are letting your imagination run wild and being totally impractical.
Restored common sense.

Eight of Cups
An era is ended and it is time to move on. You are now ready to walk away and start something new, even though this may be painful.
You know you have no option. Perhaps the relationship has fulfilled its purpose or come full circle, and you feel there is nothing more to be said or done.

Reversed Meaning
You are not ready to move on.
You are still mulling over many emotions and aspects of the relationship.
The likelihood is that you can't see how to end on a pleasant note.

Nine of Cups
Success, satisfaction, happiness and stability are foretold by this card.
A treasured ambition, dream or wish is about to be fulfilled, resulting in tremendous contentment.

Reversed Meaning
A sense of dissatisfaction.
A miserable rich person.

Ten of Cups
It symbolises an achievement that brings wonderful happiness, particularly to family and loved ones.
A fulfilling relationship, a happy house move or anything else that makes you feel emotionally complete.

Reversed Meaning
A desire for family contentment delayed.
The likelihood of success is diminished.

Page of Cups
If this card represents a person, they are kind, sympathetic and may have creative gifts.
If this card represents a situation, it is the start of an enterprise.

Reversed Meaning
Moody daydreamer.

Knight of Cups
You will soon be offered an opportunity that has emotional, creative or spiritual overtones.
It will mean a lot to you and could alter your life in some way, perhaps even lead to a change of residence.

Reversed Meaning
Maybe now is not a good time to accept one.

Queen of Cups
Compassionate, considerate and enjoys taking care of people.
She may have psychic gifts.
She may also be in contact with realms that are not available to everyone, nor understood by them.

Reversed Meaning
Smothering love.
Signifies someone who may not be suited to parenthood or the responsibility of dependants, like pets for example.

King of Cups
Kind and thoughtful, yet may struggle to show the softer side of his personality for some reason.

Reversed Meaning
Emotional turbulence. Too in touch with his feeling.
He isn't the ideal mate. Think in terms of friendship, partnership etc but not in terms of marriage.

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