辛 Xin is Yin Metal and represents fine jewellery, necklaces, and beautiful rings. It is shiny, sparkling and glamorous.
Xin 辛 Metal, being fine jewelry, beautifully engraved items and beautiful metal, loves attention. Xin Metal Day Masters usually are attention-getters - sometimes it is their looks, sometimes it is their intellect. But whatever it is, they are people who love being in the spotlight and the focal point of everyone and if they are not, well, you can count on them to make a scene and one heck of a scene too!
Xin 辛 Metal types often seem tough and unyielding but bending their ear is not difficult if you know how to go about persuading them. Here's a hint: subtlety works, the sledgehammer approach doesn't! Xin Metal people often value relationships and are sentimental but their tendency to steal the show, or hog the limelight, can be annoying. Face value is also very important to Xin Metal people, and this can sometimes be their downfall.
[金]稱為從革, 具有收歛, 情泠, 穩重的特性. 五行欠金的人, 大多數不懂保守平穩之道, 也欠缺遠見, 處事欠冷靜. 金具有傲性, 但殺傷力極強, 一個強金的人, 必然殺氣極大, 百煞見之均收藏也. 金代表正義感, 嫉惡如仇, 重視人倫道德. 五行金旺的人一生都與金器結下不解之緣. 五行金旺者, 本來根據平衡的原理, 一世人忌金. 這些人不做與金有關的工作, 必然好運. 但如金太多, 變成一種特殊的從旺格, 做金的行業會出頭.
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