丁 Ding is Yin Fire and is the fire of candle. A small flame but illuminating in the darkness.
Illuminating is what best describes Ding 丁 Fire Day Masters. These are people who are born leaders, or often, people who take pride in showing people the way. Sometimes, they are fickle (just as the light of a candle flickers) but they also have a tremendous ability to rise to great occasions, just like a small fire can suddenly become a great bonfire. Meticulous, detail-orientated and sentimental, Ding Fire people are great motivators. The downside is, sometimes, they are easily de-motivated because they forget to light their own fire!
Illuminating is what best describes Ding 丁 Fire Day Masters. These are people who are born leaders, or often, people who take pride in showing people the way. Sometimes, they are fickle (just as the light of a candle flickers) but they also have a tremendous ability to rise to great occasions, just like a small fire can suddenly become a great bonfire. Meticulous, detail-orientated and sentimental, Ding Fire people are great motivators. The downside is, sometimes, they are easily de-motivated because they forget to light their own fire!
[火]稱為炎上, 其特性是炎熱, 向上及向外擴散的. 火亦具有毀滅性的特質. 世間最污穢的病毒, 只有火可以完全消滅. 而八字火多的人, 其性必急必躁, 其上進心也特別強. 火性是向外蔓延的, 因此火性重的人, 最喜冒險及擴展自己的財富, 地位及影響力. 但感情豐富, 好客, 自尊心強. 但[火]的特性卻主[禮]. 火性重的人很奇怪, 雖然殺傷力極大, 但卻先禮後兵, 講求操守和秩序. 火弱的人必然欠缺上進心及向外的擴散心. 如用色彩來加強欠火的人的心理, 通常是多穿紅衣及多接觸火這個五行.
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