Monday, March 07, 2011

Part 2: Major Arcana

0 The Fool: The Beginning Of The Journey
The Fool embarked upon with enthusiasm and optimism.
But this card warns of the dangers of overlooking potential pitfalls and obstacles.

Reversed Meaning:
Cant manifest to make it happen.

He studies the way things work, draws conclusions, and then make changes to produce the desired results.

1 The Magician: Make It Happen
Vision and focus. You have talent, power and versatility. The trick is to learn how to use your abilities in the best possible way to manifest visions into reality.
Unleash creative power. Have faith in yourself. Combine your emotions, creativity, financial abilities and mental ingenuity, and get the chance to use them.
The Magician sometimes indicates that a powerful man entering your life. He is influential. and he knows it.
Some form of trickery may be involved when this card appears, especially if you are contemplating going into business with them.

Reversed Meaning:
Wasted brilliance. Squandering your talent. Scattered energy or resources. An effort that has backfired.
My desire has or was achieved but wasn't what I wanted after all.
My effort was wrongly channelled. However, it isn't wasted: I can learn from this mistake.

She represents quiet, rooted power.

2 The High Priestess: The Truth Within
Follow your intuition and trust your instincts. Because she expresses confidence in the truths that are not immediately seen, she is a vessel for transformation.
Know and accept your inner-self. The High Priestess is about studying the wisdom within. Lift the veil to the subconscious, to examine and understand your hidden truths within.
You may be about to embark on a period in which you will learn from experience.
The High Priestess can also refer to a period of study or learning, especially if it has spiritual connections or will introduce you to a new aspect of yourself.

Reversed Meaning:
Blunted intuition. Blocked insight.
I'm not seeing the situation for what it is because I'm concentrating on the outward, obvious appearance of things. I need to trust my intuition and stop denying the intangible evidence.

3 The Empress: The Abundance
This is a card of fertility, creativity and abundance. Follow your bliss. Giving birth to desires and wishes.
If the question concerns a romantic relationship, it will be happy and fulfilling. It may lead to marriage or some other form of emotional commitment.
This card may also refer to a house move, especially if it will bring you into closer contact with nature, perhaps through a beautiful garden or a rural setting. 
The ruler of the home, yet she is down to earth.

Reversed Meaning:
Cherished it. Let go of the illusion that your wants are denied.
I'm not appreciating all that I have.

The Emperor brings order and establishes a solid foundation for the wild dreams of The Fool, the visions of The Magician, the insights of The High Priestess, and the abundance of The Empress.

4 The Emperor: The Authority
You will soon have authority and power, perhaps conferred by a job promotion or some other position of influence, or it might refer to moral authority.
Alternatively, the card can refer to someone in your life who has authority over you, such as a parent or boss.
If you are going through a difficult situation, you will soon have the upper hand or at least will feel more in control of the situation.
Through leadership, discipline, and strategic planning. He brings rational, logical thought to ideas, connecting them to reality in very practical ways.

Reversed Meaning:
I have a problem related to authority.
Any authority I have is in name only; it isn't real or respected.

5 The Hierophant: The Observer
When describing a person, you are searching for ways to bring more spiritual meaning into your life.
When referring to a situation, be careful, circumspect and to play by the rules. You should not use tactics.

Reversed Meaning:
What rules?
I am merely seeking approval, not genuine knowledge.

6 The Lovers: Refinement Of Desires
It is a very strong and fulfilling emotional bond.
If this bond has recently been ruptured for some reason, this card is urging a reconciliation and suggesting that it will be successful.
The other meaning of Lovers is a choice.

Reversed Meaning:
Lust is masquerading as love.
There are infidelity and dishonesty in the air.
Now is not the best time.

The Chariot is that of learned discipline and self-control. It pertains to the lessons and behaviour we learn through habit and from fear of negative consequences or punishment.

7 The Chariot: Pursuit Of Purposeful Action
The chariot has a focused purpose. You are the one deciding where it goes and how fast. Pursuing success with confidence.
You must use your willpower and guts. It will benefit everyone concerned. What it does not advocate is riding roughshod over people or imposing your will on them. You must play fair.

Reversed Meaning:
Losing direction. What's your ultimate goal?
Lost control. You are being driven by circumstance and its time to take the reins again.

Moral courage, the strength of will, endurance, tenacity, tolerance and physical stamina.

8 Strength: Courage
Draw on your strength of purpose and will. You will succeed.
Beating the odds and performing difficult feats with ease. They will not fail you.

Reversed Meaning:
My inner strength and ability to endure is underdeveloped.
Strength is being used for a wrong purpose or against the wrong person.
It's time for some tough path.

Lighten Our Darkness

9 The Hermit: A Search For Knowledge
You look for answers to deep-seated questions. A need for solitude, contemplation and reflection. You do not yet know all the facts about something and must wait patiently for them to be revealed. Be observant of the universe's natural cycles.
A search for knowledge, such as a course of formal education or the training involved in learning a profession.

Reversed Meaning:
Something or someone is blocking my retreat.
I'm going in the wrong direction for what I seek.

10 Wheel Of Fortune: The Luck Of The Journey 
Everything changes and nothing lasts forever. Nothing is static. Life is in a constant state of flux.
Push the wheel of your life in the direction you want it to go.

Reversed Meaning:
It's time for a new direction in some part of my life.
Take time out to examine where you have invested your energies. Is this what you intended? Go back to your values.
I need to prepare for winter or a time of lack. 

11 Justice: Do The Right Thing
You are responsible for the consequences of your actions. What goes around comes around. If you want something to happen, you're going to have to act.
Looking for the truth, balancing all the interests and setting things right. Fair play. Considering what's win-win for all involved.
If someone has been unfair, Justice restores the situation.
This is an especially favourable card if you are considering a career in the law.
It is also a good indication that a new relationship will be harmonious.
If you are trying to lead a more balanced life, this card offers encouragement.
If you are currently going through a difficult situation, Justice suggests that you will be successful provided you behave in a balanced and manner.

Reversed Meaning:
I am acting irresponsibly and ignoring the consequences of my actions.
Something illegal is going on.
There is a lack of justice in the given situation. Life's just not fair sometimes.
Rethink the situation. Get back in balance. Go back to your values.

12 The Hanged Man: The Pattern Breaker
The ability to view life from a different perspective.
Being in limbo, perhaps because you are in transition between one stage of your life and the next. This card counsels the need for patience and a Zen-like ability to live in the here and now, rather than focusing on the future and ignoring what your current situation may be trying to teach you.
Changing all of your old patterns, being willing to let go.

Reversed Meaning:
It's over and done with.
Suffering is being confused with sacrifice.

13 Death: Transformation
Profound change. Radical. Often experienced on a psychological level. You have to end one situation before a new one can begin.
It is time to bring things to a close. Sweep away the junk and close that chapter of your life.

Reversed Meaning:
Stagnation. Standstill. 
I'm not ready to say goodbye to whatever it is you involved in. Why is this?

14 Temperance: The Balance Of Life
Bring more balance and moderation into your life. Exercise self-control. You need to introduce more harmony.
An ability to marry your spiritual and material needs so that you have a foot in each world and can move between the two.
Take extra care of your health, especially if it is being jeopardised by other aspects of your life.

Reversed Meaning:
Out of balance. Need to regain some equilibrium.

15 The Devil: Temptation
This is the card of enslavement and addiction.
Being held in the thrall of someone or something, and feeling unable to break away. Self-destructive habit. Makes you feel imprisoned.
Be careful. Watch out for danger, whether physical, mental or spiritual.

Reversed Meaning:
Freedom from the chains of fear, or real danger.
There is no evil in this situation, although it may not seem that way.

16 The Tower: A Dramatic Change
Sudden and dramatic changes.
These changes may feel like a fall from grace or embarrassing, but you will eventually realise that they happened for a purpose. Alternatively, you discover that you have been betrayed by someone, or that you had put them on a lofty pedestal from which they have fallen.

Reversed Meaning:
Have you ever longed to tear something down and start over from the beginning?

17 The Star: Ray Of Hope
A dream will soon come true, an illness will end or a difficult situation will ease. Have faith in a happy outcome.
A creative activity that nurtures you. It will be satisfying and well worth pursuing.
Nevertheless, it may be warning you not to become completely immersed in it to the exclusion of all else. Consider carefully where you place your energies and time.

Reversed Meaning:
To restore hope, get in alignment with your higher spiritual purpose.
My creative energies aren't finding expression.
Inspiration is blocked or stifled.

18 The Moon: The Illusion Of The Journey
Deception and an inability to see a situation in its true light.
Your viewpoint may not be accurate. This may be because for some reason they have not been revealed to you or because you are choosing to ignore the facts.
The Moon may warn that someone is deceiving or tricking you, or it can suggest that you stop fooling yourself.
This card can also describe a muddle or misunderstanding that needs sorting out.
Sometimes, it shows that fear or lack of confidence is holding you back.

Reversed Meaning:
New awareness.

19 The Sun: The Light Of The World
This is the card of fulfilment and creativity.
Tremendous joy, elation and celebration, perhaps because of a birth of a child or the forthcoming marriage. A burgeoning relationship will blossom and be very enjoyable.
It can also describe the sense of relief that follows the end of a crisis and indicates that a problem will be successfully resolved. All is well.

Reversed Meaning:
I'm not feeling as carefree as I would like.
Diminished growth.

20 Judgement: Realisation
You see the greater purpose for your life. Awakening.
Take a look at the long expanse of your life and judge what you have done, what you have accomplished, and what yet needs to be done. Rise again and reinvent yourself.
Rebirth of a relationship.
An excellent card if the question concerns a partnership rift because it shows that the argument will be resolved and that everyone concerned will be able to put it behind them. Judgement stresses the need to stop harbouring grudges and resentments. It may also be giving you a gentle reminder that we all upset others at times, sometimes without realising it, and that it is easy to criticise people but not so simple to behave perfectly ourselves.

Reversed Meaning:
Denial. Blocked.
Am I ignoring my higher calling when I should be doing something far more important?
I have been distracted and so strayed from the true purpose of my life.

21 The World: Attainment
Worldly success and triumph. Fulfilling purpose.
The culmination of all of your talents and skills.
Many possibilities are open to you.

Reversed Meaning:
I haven't reached wholeness in my life. Struggle.
Failure to learn the lessons.

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