I began reading Tarot Cards in 2007, but my journey with card reading (poker cards) started even earlier, when I was just 12.
I kept my special abilities under wraps, but my curiosity in spiritualism is evident.
I even pursuing psychology alongside spiritualism to understand more about human experience and consciousness.
Through metaphysical and psychological understanding, I help people connect with their inner selves, offering guidance, clarity, and insights into life's mysteries.
My approach is one of balance - to help others unlock their full potential and embrace the miracles life has to offer, whether through tarot readings, workshops on the Law of Attraction, or exploring the mysteries of consciousness.
Pursuing psychology alongside spiritualism is a good combination. Psychology primarily seeks to understand behaviour, thought processes, and emotions through scientific study, spiritualism looks at deeper metaphysical aspects like the soul, purpose, and connection with the universe.
Psychology can help to ground and explain spiritual experiences by exploring how the mind perceives and interprets these events.
Psychological theories on consciousness, intuition, and altered states of mind, such as in meditation or trance, can offer insights into spiritual experiences.
Trance/Flow, in psychology, is a state of heightened focus in an activity, often described as being "in the zone." Theories of flow explain that when individuals are fully engaged in an activity that challenges them just enough, they experience a sense of timelessness, effortlessness, and connection. Spiritually, this flow state can be compared to moments of divine connection or alignment with the universe, where an individual feels in sync with something greater than themselves.
Meditation induces an altered state of consciousness where brainwave patterns shift, particularly increasing alpha and theta waves. Psychologically, these states are associated with deep relaxation, intuition, and heightened awareness - states that are often linked to spiritual experiences, such as feeling a sense of oneness, accessing subconscious wisdom, or receiving insights. Meditation allows the mind to quieten, which many spiritual traditions believe is essential for connecting with the higher self, the divine, or universal consciousness.
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