Thursday, July 09, 2009

己 Ji Yin Earth Day Masters

己 Ji is Yin Earth and represents soil, sand or soft earth. It is fine and porous.

Like the soft pliant soil from which crops spring forth, Ji  Earth people is nurturing, productive and resourceful. Ji Earth Day Masters are usually good-hearted and are people to count on. Just like the earth tolerates the pollution that human beings create, Ji Earth usually puts up with quite a bit of abuse and will not withdraw its support just because of a little bit of unpleasantness. Ji Earth types are always 'understanding' of other people's weaknesses and fallacies. They rarely see the worst in people. The common weakness of Ji Earth Day Masters is a lack of adaptability, and frequently, an inability to make quick decisions or spontaneous decisions. 

[]稱為稼穑, 具有長養, 化育的特性. 土能生萬寶. 土能養萬物, 化育眾生, 因此五行欠土的人, 都較欠缺物質生活和享受, 較自我, 五行土旺的人, 必然佔有物多, 喜歡眷顧别人. 因此土氣多者都有包容力, 誠實, 忠厚, 寬大, 作事深思熱慮.

但土太多, 便會遲鈍了. 任何一個五行太多, 其實都有這種情況, 但土多的情況更嚴重, 好像一個人活在一堆泥之中, 太多不同類形的東西在滋生着, 使人失去方向

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