癸 Gui is Yin Water and represents water from rain clouds, mist, dew or frost.
癸 Gui Water people, like the clouds and mist that drift and move, are usually also not the type to sit still. They make good teachers since 癸 Gui Water's role is to water the plants, feed and grow a new generation. They are however usually introverts. Frequently imaginative and creative, they value principles and often think of the greater good. 癸 Gui Water people have one disadvantage and that is the lack of staying power in any endeavour.
[水]稱為潤下, 其性是寒冷, 向下, 應變的. 用不同形態的玻璃瓶去盛水, 水都可以適應不同形狀的瓶子, 扭曲水的身子. 因此水亦代表[智]. 一個人的八字屬水, 代表有這種應變的特性, 向下者, 水向低流, 能有一種向卑於自己地位的人群中去, 有服務群眾或不亢不卑的情懷. 因此水多的人, 必然具有很大的機靈性, 由此推之, 八字缺水的人, 極具傲性, 包融别人的能力也不強, 要他扭曲身子去適應制度或環境, 往往顯得格格不入. 因此水亦代表自由, 擴散的機能與精神, 機智富幻想, 但任性. 因此八字欠水的人, 不是喝多一點水可以改運, 但是游泳卻間接令到此人感到 水性為何物, 要在水中學到浮沉之道, 學習水性的機靈及放開自我的傲性, 是必然的, 游泳是鍛練 人投入大我之中而機靈的活着.
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