Thursday, January 03, 1985

1985 January 3 Personal Feng Shui


Western side benefits more.


In regions with high power and energy concentration, you face profound changes within yourself. These forces connect with previously unknown parts of being, making repressed psychological areas conscious and influencing life's flow.
Attempts to escape these influences can lead to rash decisions and power struggles. A proud attitude can challenge counterforces, where your enemies aren't visible.
The atmosphere in these regions is intense and passionate. Stressful episodes can trigger personal transformation by addressing the shadow side and abandoning habitual behaviour patterns and attachments. This axis could be the turning point of your life, allowing you to overcome challenges and achieve personal growth.


Enjoy happy times with family and friends, resolve old controversies, establish a household, navigate legalities of purchasing your own home and real estate, or construct a home. Positive influence in regions for home search.
Recuperation and introspection at health resorts and holidays can greatly benefit one's emotional and mental abilities. Personal studies provide a deeper understanding of life, while experience traditional values and deepening connection to past and genealogy, leading to inner peace and quiet.


Decisive changes impact social and professional activities, but may also affect private life. A balanced, honest, and non-ego-driven individual has the strength to achieve goals.
If you work against your inner calling, it can lead to a crisis in your life, such as job dismissal, company bankruptcy, or job loss. It's crucial to consider these events as a signal to reflect on your true goals and whether you're on the right track or if it's time to find your true vocation.
Awakening longing for power, prestige, and authority can bring obstacles like performance pressure, stress, and fear of failure. However, recognising your real goals can activate enormous energies, enabling you to achieve them. Be prepared to let go of old habits and embrace the new.


Increased work output, improved self-confidence, courage, and happiness are observed. Embraced opposition with determination, thinking and action are motivated by an iron will to succeed. Caution, lethargy, and hesitation are replaced with dare-devilries, dynamic behavior, and self-assertion.
Women in this culture often follow male principles. Sensitivity and composure are strangers here. The atmosphere is filled with activity and self-assertion, but it's important to recognise that positive traits don't always translate into inconsiderateness. Your behaviour is powerful, impulsive and direct. Passion and instinctual urges define sexuality, but sensitivity, sensuality, and love may be lost.
This region is ideal for starting a new venture, personal identity search, or competitive sports preparation, requiring efficient use of physical and mental energies.

North-East direction brings good luck, prosperity, and wealth; living or working in UK, Denmark, Holland, Nepal, and Bhutan leads to success.


A relaxed and pleasurable place awaits you along this latitude, where you meet friendly people, feel in love, and enjoy life together. Your strong, erotic appearance influences others, and your inner balance and outer composure ensure a peaceful and romantic attitude.
In this environment, you tap into your creative roots and enjoy your talents through various forms like music, theatre, and dancing. Financial transactions and material goods acquisition are favored, while a desire for personal enjoyment can lead to a lavish lifestyle and increased spending.


Effect a change in social position through abrupt and unexpected changes, such as career changes, promotion, or redundancy. Motivated by conscious or unconscious pursuit of greater freedom and independence.
Flexibility and willingness to take risks and to experiment make change easier. Explore new creative expression to your personal abilities. Challenges lie in electronics, computer, and data technology. Modern media and communications systems, as well as future research projects, are well-suited.
Rebel against powerful institutions and become sympathetic to anarchistic theories or social reform movements. Your involvement is considered new age and alternative, aiming to change outdated belief systems. With patience and support from like-minded friends, your visions may come true.


In these areas, climbing the social ladder and succeeding professionally are highly effective. Recognising achievements and achieving goals can boost self-worth and drive ambitious projects. Fame and honor strengthen self-worth, and success in these areas is highly regarded, as involvement yields positive returns. It's essential to make every effort to succeed in these areas.
Your extensive dissemination of thoughts and ideas demonstrates your ability to effectively present your products and creations. You seek security and financial protection in these regions, meeting influential individuals and forming successful relationships with authorities, state institutions, and international businesses. 
You discover new goals and complete existing ones, benefiting from attractive offers and lucrative returns. Your optimism and spirit of adventure enable you to explore new terrain, showcasing your ability to adapt and thrive in these challenging environments.


Breath of fresh air to your relationships, as there is no such thing as monotony under this influence. Your relationships appear relaxed and easy, seeking variety and ideas exchange with like-minded individuals.
The "Here and Now" period is crucial for personal growth and relationships. It involves spontaneous emotional outbursts, flirtatious moments, and passionate affairs. The drive for freedom and independence may disrupt permanent relationships. 
Artistic ambitions and attitudes towards fashion and design lead to new and unusual creative expression. Explore avant-garde art, discovering unconventional, modern art with shock effects, bizarre creations, and electronic media for futuristic design reproduction.

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